Wednesday, October 17, 2012

on the mend

hi there guys,

some days we must acknowledge how thankful we are for the people around us.thanks to my hard working, husband who is helping me keep positive about my recent illness. i am stll fragile in spirit and trying hard to keep up... thanks to my physio and doctor too. my darling mum and brother and numerous work colleagues who have texted, sent flowers and cuddles. thankyou. to my beautiful thomas without whom i would never have got by. to have a son like that is my richest blessing.

just a little note...this week i have been published in a cardmaking magazine here in australia. i am in australian simply cards issue 48. i have an article and a seven page feature. again...i am thankful for that opportunity and am pleased with how my work was displayed.

well i am looking forward to a  few creative days.. i have ideas spinning around my head. so happy creating..tell someone you love them and hug your kids xx

Thursday, October 4, 2012

best laid plans!!

hi there bloggers,

sometimes the best laid plans just don't work out. during my lovely holidays I have been struck down with some illness. I have been diagnosed with Bell's Palsy. This is an inflammation of my facial nerve and so I have somewhat the symptoms of a stroke victim and my voice i quite altered. I simply felt kinda wierd one day and then woke up with this. I must say it has been a shock and I am not feeling real gorgeous at the moment. As a result I have not done much crafting. In my heart I want to be busy but my mind and body are just letting me down. Will continue with this space as soon as I can xx

Friday, September 28, 2012

wild weather..means creativity..

hey there bloggers,

the weather outside is windy and i can hear the wind whistling ...i love that sort of weather, i have a roast in the oven and i am in the dungeon full of ideas. i am just making a space and i have decided on a sewing them for a card. i finally bought the mini sewing room die and the on the edge die- sewing room from tim holtz. i cant wait to get startd...once tea is served and washed up i am closing the door ...putting my new mumford and sons album on and then watch this space..happy creating peeps xx coco

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


howdy bloggers,

well...zippidy doo daa.. being on holidays is such a boost for my creativity. I have pulled out some sewing things and have got started on some christmas decorations...poor hubby...again there is no dining table space and it was takeaway for dinner tonight. I have to admit we were all a bit distracted with other matters today so cooking tea was not high on the agenda.

i plan to go into the card dungeon tomorrow afternoon as hubby has a late night meeting and so i will get lost in some irish music for a while..adele sounds promising and I have recently bought some florence and the machines and havent really had a decent play yet.

i have been busy online shopping and with my three!! new packages of yummy product I have to get making some cards.
my pjammies are getting a workout as creating is much more fun when you are comfortable..i defy anyone to disagree..hee hee .

i have aquired Tim Holtz metallic distressstains...can't wait to have a play with that. I have been busy watching his tutorials and I have actually signed up for his chemistry online classes so need to get coaught up with that.
I am going to try and make some grungeboard  christmas decs die and some movers and shapers  work...can you tell I am never bored!!.

well hope you are all in fine health...kiss someone delicious today and don't forget to tell a special person that you love them...don't wait now... xx coco

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

hi de ho peeps..

hi there,

After much encouragement I have decided to create a Blog dedicated to my creative pursuits. Predominately I am a card maker however I love off the page paper projects and my other loves are fabric and textiles. I have taken the brave step lately and created a few canvas projects too.

I love mixed media..vintage..My cards are all original designs..sure I get inspiration from all sorts of places but I believe that my cards should be as individual as the people I make them for.
I do contemporary  cards too..especially wedding and teenager cards that influenced by my love of metal and in particular silver.  I often respond to a particular nautical..etc i love having free reign but I am happy meet the needs of the people who are kind  enough to commission my cards.

As this is a new blog I will try to load as many pictures of my work as i not all of the pics will have explanations but as i go along I will give a bit of a description of where my inspiration came from and some -products that I have used.

I am a huge Tim Holtz fan...I was lucky enough to meet him this year and I learnt so much from his workshop. Tim and Mario are just fantastic. I would love to spend time in Tim's workshop...woo hoo.

Enjoy my work inspired but please contact me if you wish to copy my work. Kindest regards and huge cococuddles xx christina